D -0.07mm COLOURED FANTASY Lashes "Mixed Lengths" Select Colour
D Curl 0.07 COLOURED FANTASY Lashes "Mixed Trays" 7mm-14mm Lengths
Choose One of 8 fantastic Colours from the dropdown menu
White, Gold, Yellow, Blue, Green, Brown, Pink, Red
*Please note due to the coating “White” appears to look Mint Green, but is actually white when applied alongside other colours
Eyelash Extensions Premium Quality 7(1) 8(1), 9(1), 10(3), 11(3), 12(1), 13(1), 14(1)
For Professional Eyelash Technicians Brand New PREMIUM QUALITY Mixed Length Tray Coloured Fantasy Lashes
Each Strip can be removed from the box and stuck to a work surface or back of your hand
We have researched the market extensively and tried many different types of loose lashes.
Some of those were good, but many were of extremely poor quality.
We believe we have now found mixed Fantasy Coloured lashes of excellent quality at an affordable price and manufactured for us to the highest standards.
The quality, gloss, and consistency are unrivalled and your clients will LOVE the finished look!
They are AMAZING!